Saturday, March 29, 2014

Blah... Blah... Blog...

Wow! And to think it has been six months since my last post!
So here goes: Updates! Updates! Updates!

I am now at Northwest Nazarene University studying Mass Communications (Film). It is awesome school with a close-knit community. I am editing a short documentary on the A-10 Warthog. It was pretty sweet to get base access to Gowen Field, an Air National Guard base. That will be uploaded soon.

 I have made several VFX tests, including a Lightning storm. And just uploaded an impromptu video about nothing whatsoever (check it out on my channel

In preproduction of a screenplay "Of the Lamp" (, filmmaker Phillip Stucker is drawing storyboards for that. Hopefully shooting it this summer.

Lots more cool stuff to come! And I will attempt to be diligent and post at least once a week now.

Bye till next time!